Public Notice - Restricted Access to Remote Communities


As of today, Friday 12 June 2020, Queensland communities have been removed from under the Biosecurity (Human Biosecurity Emergency) (Human Coronavirus with Pandemic Potential) (Emergency Requirements for Remote Communities) Determination 2020.

This change has seen the introduction of Declared travel Zones (DTZ), that will allow residents to travel to and from the DTZ without the need for quarantining. What does this mean? Residents of Torres Shire can now travel to Cairns, Mareeba, Douglas, Tablelands and Carpentaria Shires for any reason and return to Torres Shire without any restrictions.

There are still restrictions in place regarding essential worker travel and exemptions. Torres Shire Council has received notification that the Queensland Risk Management Plan for Essential Activity in a Designated Area under the Chief Health Officers Restrictive Access to Remote Communities Direction is now required.

The Chief Health Officer direction and supporting information has now been published:

  1. Direction - Restricted Access to Remote Communities (
  2. ‘Understanding this Direction’ (
  3. Information about requesting exemptions is also available on the same website at: Exemption requests can be submitted using that website, or phone 13 QGOV (13 74 68).

Dalassa Yorkston