Cost of Living Summit $64M Freight Subsidy


Torres Shire Council acknowledges the recent media announcement regarding a freight subsidy to relieve ‘the cost-of-living pressures Far North Queensland.

Council called for the Cost-of-Living Summit and was delighted when the Premier agreed to host it here in the Torres Strait. At the time, we sought a two-day Summit that would have permitted important social and economic matters to be discussed with the community. These matters include housing, health, food security, impact of monopolisation, youth justice, family and domestic violence (to name a few). Unfortunately, the second day was not supported but commitments at that time were given that a second day would be convened in the future. We call for the convening of the second day. Mayor Loban of Torres Shire Council said today, ‘Council provided detailed information on the impact of Cost of Living including food and goods in our community at the Summit’.

Mayor Loban continued, ‘We acknowledge the importance of the $64 Million dollar freight funding package and seek that it results in lower prices for our Community, to this end, Council called on the Premier this week to provide the detail and modelling of the freight subsidy scheme in order that Council has a better understanding of it’.
Council has called for a freight equalisation scheme similar to the one operating in the Bass Strait and are awaiting the promised tri-partite meeting between the Commonwealth, Queensland and Local Governments.

This funding is proposed to capture 67% of applicable goods with a discount of 5.2% at the cash register along with funding two freight coordinators to coordinate the scheme.
Mayor Loban said, ‘We welcome any form of relief to ease the pressures of high costs of living to our constituents, and that the subsidy will reduce the cost at the cash register of 5.2% on selected items. We call on the Palaszczuk Government to continue to work in partnership with Council to achieve the very best outcomes in terms of cost of living in the Torres Strait’. Torres Shire Councils submission also supported the overhaul of marine infrastructure together with the progress of logistical, warehousing and cold storage facilities on both Horn Island and Seisia.

End Release.

TSC Media Centre
Contact: CEO Dalassa Yorkston
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